Joanna Vander Vlugt is an author and illustrator. She has been writing since a child, and she's a graduate of Simon Fraser University's Writer's Studio. Her motorcycle illustrations have been purchased world-wide and her Woman Empowered motorcycle art series has been featured in on-line art and motorcycle magazines. Under the pseudonym J.C. Szasz, Joanna’s short mysteries Egyptian Queen, and The Parrot and Wild Mushroom Stuffing were both published in Crime Writers of Canada mystery anthologies. Her essay, No Beatles Reunion was published in the Dropped Threads 3: Beyond the Small Circle anthology.
The Unravelling, her debut novel, and Dealer’s Child were Canadian Book Club Awards finalists, and now Spy Girls has received Chick Lit Book Cafe's International Book of Excellence Award for best spy thriller and suspense. Joanna's novels have been published under her own imprint, Ozzy Imprint. Joanna draws upon her 13 years’ experience working in the prosecutor’s office and 10 years working in the Office of the Police Complaint Commissioner for inspiration for her novels. Joanna is the VP of Memberships for the Sinc-CW. Joanna is proud of her podcast SAM Magazine and the many authors she has interviewed and short stories she has showcased.